Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sheer, no control top

I actually have experimented with other styles such as item 1730 which is very sheer, light, and has no control top, unlike my favorite but currently going out of stock item A610. 1730 is ok, but its very light and loose around the hip, not form fitting like my 610 which fits like a nylon glove. I still get tan color in either style. Style 1730 is also very condensed when dry and ready to put on, where as 610 is long and breezy. It almost appears like 1730 is very small from randomly glancing at it on the clothes wire, but it stretches and you must be careful putting it on because you feel like your going to break it with any sudden moves. I even hate to have a fingernail protrude any from the sides with the slightest sliver because it feels that is all it will take to make a scratch mark on the hose material of 1730 lightweight construction. One thing about 1730 is the affordability over other styles that are priced ten dollars and above. I dont feel good about buying expensive pantyhose because in the end, all items will faulter no matter how expensive. I give it a week, I always say.
Nothing beats the silk sleekeness of item A610, and I will probably continue to talk about this style long after it has gone out of mens wear existance.
Ive seen photos of packages of pantyhose for men being sold on clothing racks at mens wear stores, but these must be pictures of european stores, because I have never seen pantyhose for men being sold over the counter. Its always online and this makes it a little difficult because I would rather browse the item in person like any other piece of mens underwear. I dont buy fruit of the loom, or white socks online, and I dont see why this has to be any different.
If buying pantyhose for men is also a hush hush risque item of clothing that men will not yet overwhelmingly acknowledge as clothes for men, then I dont see how the marriage for gays battle can ever succeed because even pantyhose for men is hidden from total view of the mainstream mores. You cant possibly have a unanimous vote for something people dont want to see in public, can you? Even illegal drugs eventually get busted into the limelight, which means they have more of a steady following than pantyhose for men, or gay marriage activists.
Which makes the heterosexual stance of standing by the goodness of religious rules to stand against gay unions, and yet indulge in corruption, scandel, murder, abortion, drugs, alcoholism, adultery, and even beastiality. Strange. Its gays and pantyhose for men that sends them over the edge in already a world gone bizarre. I'll stick to pantyhose and gays, any day. Thank-you! Its more my style, even if my style of prefered pantyhose is also going out the door.

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