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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Replacement for style A610


Thanks for your inquiry. The closest style that we have to A610 is A582. It's not the same, but it has a good control top, great leg fabric, and overall good fit. Please give them a try and see what you think.

I was going through some old hosiery just this weekend and found a couple of pairs of A610. I thought I'd enjoy wearing them this week, but I haven't done so yet. They were a great style, but we can't get it made any more. We do, however, have a new style we're working on with a similar leg fabric, and maybe we can have it made with a control top. It won't be exactly like A610, but it might be more similar than A582. Anyway, customers seem to like A582 a lot, and I do, too, so I highly recommend it.

Hope that helps.

G. Lieberman & Sons, Ltd.

Sunday, January 8, 2012